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Submitted Elements for Fluxhibition #4

Beatriz Albuquerque

(68) GameScore:DIY - Beatriz Albuquerque - 2010 - USA
badge with the score: “GameScore: Play it now. Has you desire.”, 3 ballons, 8 slides, 2 paper tickets from Lisbon
Game score in which the limit is the player's imagination and the material provided.

(67) 3 Paper Scores from the Performance called $$$ (Conflux Festival, 2009, NY) - Beatriz Albuquerque - USA
Three sequential generic blank gift certificates with money stamp on back of each
"Money can bring desires and stability but at the same time - when we work too much - time fades away from our lives. The time for building a family, friends and memories will no longer exist. The performer offers printed money, a created currency that possesses a score for the public to follow. A score, for example, that asks a person to: Game = walk 5 steps and smell the street."