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Submitted Elements for Fluxhibition #4

Fluxhibition #4-B

Fluxhibition in a Museum Box

at The Nuart Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico - June 18 -July 4 2010

Taking advantage of my Solo Exhibition in  Santa Fe New Mexico at the Nuart Gallery at 670 Canyon Road, I gathered together a number of small works from fluxhibition #2, #3 and #4 as well as some collages from the IMCAC that would fit into a couple of small museum boxes and took them with me to 'show and tell'. Also included were a number of our publications. The following are photos from the event.

Additionally I gave a talk at the gallery on opening night discussing the works and the museum. Many people loved seeing and hearing about them. The works stayed on exhibit for a few days until I returned to Texas.

 Gallery owner Kim Kelly before the opening.