Fluxhibition #4 - 2010
Fluxus Amusements, Diversions, Games, Tricks and Puzzles – Works from USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Norway, South Korea, Japan, China, Philippines, Uruguay, Colombia, Brazil, Italy, France, Greece, Australia, Portugal, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia.
The Catalogs
See related catalogs in association with the exhibition as well as a few extras from previous projects.
A Book about Death
A Book About Death – Postcards from the original exhibition from 2009 orchestrated by Matthew Rose at the Emily Harvey Gallery in NYC was also on exhibit. We have the whole set of postcards and invited artists to send additional hand make works to add to the collection.
Fluxface in Space
Along with Fluxhibition #4 we also exhibited Fluxface in Space which was a digital exhibition that was in orbit on the last two space shuttles
Highlights from the Collection
Here are a few of the interesting works in the archives sent for the exhibition.